Monday, December 13, 2004

What gives?

Random thoughts...

What makes a person do what they do?
  • Do most people take actions out of necessity?
  • Or do they take actions because they can?
Leaving work...
We've recently had a lot of turnover where I work, but there hasn't been a commonality to why people are leaving; some fired, some quit, some left for more money, etc. Can't anyone stay put for more than 2-3 months? I'm wondering how common this type of thing is... my girlfriend wouldn't hold a job for more than that long for years (she always had 'a' job, just not very long) and now one of my neighbors seems to be doing the same thing - and it seems like they're always saying they were better off where they were; so why did they leave in the first place?

Bad drivers...
I hate drivers who can't seem to stay in an empty lane because they're so damn important they need to be in the fast lane even if they are going slower than the speed limit. There's no on in the slow lane, but these idiots seem to think they need to be in the fast lane to avoid traffic or something...what gives?

Also, I was on my home last week and this idiot was:
  1. Passing vehicles on the shoulder.
  2. Driving from the freeway onto the entrance ramp to get further up to merge back onto the freeway.
  3. Riding people's asses.
  4. Swerving in & out of lanes (and onto the shoulder)
  5. Can you guess what kind of egotistical vehicle this jerk was driving? How about a Cadillac Escalade... I guess he's better than all the other cars on the road.

I wish there was a magic button that you could push to flatten someone's tire and put them into the wall (like NASCAR). They don't need to get hurt, but they should have their car screwed up enough & have the shit scared out of them to where they don't drive like ***holes again.


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